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Road Overgrowth

MikeC 0

Why trimming the vegetation along the street edge of your property is so important. The following is an article from Edgmont Township’s website, it contains important information that is relevant to our streets/community. 

Right-of-Way Maintenance is Everyone’s Business! Rights-of-way (R-O-W) are required to be maintained so that vegetation does not interfere with site distance, property identification, and road maintenance. This is important for various reasons such as finding the proper house in the event of an emergency, snow plowing, inlet repairs, road repair projects, access to mailboxes, proper site distance for driveway and roadway use, and utility installations. House addresses must be at least 4” tall, contrast with their background, and be clearly visible from the street. Remember, every second counts in the event of an emergency situation!

Vegetation maintenance needs to be done on a regular basis to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all residents, and the traveling public. This responsibility is a collaborative effort of individual property owners, Homeowners Associations, and in some cases, the Township and/or PennDOT. The fronts of individually owned properties and HOA owned open space, medians, and entry ways are all areas that require maintenance and can impact the R-O-W. What does maintained mean? Vegetation needs to be clear at least 14-feet above the roadway and at least 3-6 feet back from the roads edge. Public rights-of-way almost always encroach onto individually owned properties. The rule of thumb is that the R-O-W runs 25-feet from the centerline of the road (this can vary), past the road edge. The R-O-W should be completely clear of obstructions so those utilizing the roadway can do so in a safe manner. Obstructed site distance increases the chances of car accidents and pedestrian’s ability to utilize the roadway safely.

The Township fields frequent complaints and questions about overgrown vegetation interfering with site distance. If you see vegetation and/or other obstructions in a state road R-O-W, contact PennDOT directly at: 610-566-0972, and for obstructions on Township roads, you may contact the Township office directly. Private roads are handled by the HOA. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. The more we work together, the safer we can make our community!